Invisible technology
At reelyActive, we believe that the best technology is invisible to the experience it provides. In a Smart Space, there's no reason to ever think about our technology working behind the scenes. In fact, very few people do. Visit our current website — www.reelyactive.com — which includes all the latest developments.
The Invisible Button
Imagine an invisible button that can detect the presence of people and objects. A Smart Space may consist of one or more invisible buttons, each representing an area of interest. An area may represent a surface as large as an entire room or as precise as a specific location.
The Trigger
An invisible button can be triggered by wireless devices in proximity. These include many of the devices that we carry, wear or interact with, and they number in the billions. Currently supported wireless protocols include:
- Bluetooth Smart (BLE)
- proprietary protocols in the 868, 915 and 2400MHz ISM bands
Any mobile application can act as a trigger. Learn how to Integrate your Mobile App using our open source SDKs.

Digital awareness
To a computer, an invisible button press includes three elements:
- the time that the button was pressed (or released)
- the location of the button
- the identifier of the triggering device
Our sensors
Plug-n-play, daisy-chainable radio transceivers of a given low-power wireless protocol.
Meet the reelceiver
An invisible button is in fact a physical hardware device we call a reelceiver. Reelceivers are installed at points of interest within a Smart Space.
A reelceiver listens for the promiscuous transmissions of nearby wireless devices. The real-time packet stream is relayed to a server running our software, enabling the identification and location of the devices in range.
Did you know? We designed our reelceivers from the ground up based on our practical experiences over the past decade. There's nothing quite like them.
Meet the reel
Reelceivers need power and connectivity, and they receive these from a reel. A reel is a daisy chain of reelceivers using standard Cat5 network cables. One end of the reel is connected to a hub which acts as both a power source and a communication link to a local or remote server. Multiple reelceivers spaced tens of metres apart can make up a single reel, covering a vast surface area.
Did you know? We developed this novel configuration to support the emerging needs of the Internet of Things and published our work in a scientific article.

Our software
An open source stack written in Javascript for the Internet of Things.
Meet the mascots
Our core software stack consists of four components, written in Node.js and Angular.js, each with its own mascot. Yes, we have software mascots.
- barnowl interfaces with the sensors, parsing their real-time packet stream
- barnacles efficiently propagates relevant events
- barterer provides a real-time location API
- chickadee provides a contextual API
Did you know? Each of our mascots has its own story too! Find it in their documentation.
A sweet suite of tools
Our comprehensive set of software tools, most of which run in-browser, enable you to get the most out of your Smart Space. For example:
- smartspaces is an interactive visualisation of who/what is present and what they're sharing on social media
- SDKs for iOS and Android easily enable mobile applications to interact with Smart Spaces
- barstool faciliates real-time location testing
- advlib simplifies packet parsing
Our service
SaaS inspired by our open source stack, optimised for massive scalability.

The technology behind our Pareto SaaS is our reely secret sauce.
Did you know? Our SaaS technology isn't literally a sauce. If it were, it would surely be too dense to exist in the cloud and would instead fall as rain. And that would be messy. Perhaps tasty, but mostly messy.